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Posts posted by DeadlyFoez

  1. Bad news everyone. Someone else got to hacking a Starlight Kiosk just days prior to when ZED was going to ship this out to me. A live streaming hacking event will no longer be going on and I am not getting this kiosk from ZED anymore. I am completely devastated by this as I have been searching to get my hands on one of these kiosks for a decade now and the moment that I finally have a promising chance to get one, someone else came in from no where and got one hacked and all the data dumped just days before I was to do the same thing.

    I am extremely bummed out by this as it was going to be my last bit (pun intended) that I was going to contribute to the game preservation community.

    After this, I am going into wiitirement as I have a big family to take care of and a lot of legal battles ahead of me.

    So, ZED, thank you for the opportunity. And to this community, thank you for welcoming me here. Take care.

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  2. In case anyone is interested, ZED has agreed to sell me his starlight unit. IDK if he wants the amount that he sold it to me for disclosed, but I will keep it private for now.
    I am going to be doing a live stream hacking event on this kiosk and hopefully getting the game loader ISO from it. It should be rather straight forward to do using a WODE. I could not do it in my previous attempts as I did not have the Controller Select PCB, which is essential to unlocking the internal hard drive.
    I am hoping ZED can get this out to me within the next week or so. Either way, there are too many people looking forward to me working on this and figuring out it's last few little secrets.
    I will post a link in here to my live stream once I schedule it, but if you are interested then make sure to keep an eye on my website ConsoleBytes for more information. A complete write up will eventually be done on what I discover and everything that I extract will be shared from my private file server for everyone to check out.

    I thank you all, and an extra special thanx to ZED for still having this unit once I contacted him and for being willing to sell it to me for these research purposes.

    Take care, and until the live stream, happy gaming and happy hacking.


    EDIT: This has been canceled. After searching for a starlight kiosk for a decade and finally finding a way to get my hands on one, someone else just fully hacked one a few days back completely negating any reason for me to get this anymore.

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  3. Please contact me! I have been trying to get my hands on a starlight system to continue dumping the images from the hard drive. I have done a few live stream videos on hacking a couple starlight wii's, but I only had just the wii itself and not the whole kiosk. Part of the problem is the controller select pcb authenticates to the squirrel board.


    EDIT: LOL. I worked on that starlight wii already!!! See HERE

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