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Rogue Legacy 2


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Administrator · Posted

So, I just found out yesterday that Rogue Legacy 2 is out for early access on steam!  I absolutely LOVED Rogue Legacy, and thought it was a fantastic, super-fun, unique game.  I've now played Rogue Legacy 2 for a bit, and I have to say, it's pretty great!  They took a lot of what made the first one special, and just slightly enhanced it.  It has a slightly different, slightly more enhanced visual style, but not so modern that it changes the vibe too much.  It still has a great cartoony / fun feel.

There are tons of familiar enemies and traits, but also some really cool new ones.

Anyway, if you are a fan of the original, I'd highly encourage you to check it out, and right now it's at a small discount for a few more days.  If you haven't played the original, OMG, go buy that too! 🙂

Share your thoughts here on what you think of the game so far.  I'm already quite pleased with my purchase.




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