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Everything posted by Hybrid

  1. The game where you learn about Sub-Zero's self esteem issues
  2. In your close up I can see the TM but the ® looks different from what I've seen so I don't think it's one of those.
  3. Don't look like an R to me looks like a hickey "A hickey is a spot or halo on the printed image that resembles a donut or bullseye."
  4. My marvel vs Capcom 2 It's the game that started it all my first misprint This particular one plays Good Times season 5 disc 1 This assembly error has a CMYK print test sheet as the cover Miscut arcade compilation with a different product an album by Tessie Hill One of my more unusual printings of talmit's adventure Doh didn't fully read the first post
  5. Shouldn't fantasia be on the list at A-101? Someone named fcgamer found it a while ago
  6. Have you tried taking the fixed usa cart and looking at the board
  7. asteroids sealed PC Gamer October Loom the game Myst III Discs mislabeled Plays Haunted Hotel 3 and Haunted Legends
  8. hmm i didn't see the missing title logo at the "top" of the label there is also missing nes game ID under the seal in the faded area, but that could have been faded off. ok i see your concern, while i don't see enough evidence to say it's a proto i will say the label is not standard.
  9. well lets look at the evidence. one point you bring up is the top of the cart this is the best look available from the auction pictures the Shreddin' doesn't really look printed but written you will also notice that the fade pattern and burn into the plastic this game spent a really long time in one place under harsh lighting conditions in a cart case and going by this picture the case was backwards. now onto the manual the manual is NES-WV-USA *(same on standard manual) looking at a standard manual you will notice some differences one is the lack of the color the other is the staples. to me this looks like a photo copy of a regular manual the staples being uneven indicate it being a manual stapling probably with a standard office stapler. this practice was common in the rental field. while there have been protos with finished artwork that is not a common thing they usually have any type of white label on it be it some type of dot matrix printed label or even some VHS labels to hand written, then there are some with other game labels on it, but they usually have cut outs for the larger chips. what i see with this game is a rental with an upside down label that spent a long time on the shelf in a rental store in a backwards case. so as far as a proto i think you dodged a bullet, but i will be using a pic for my site
  10. Not sure on why you think it's a proto it looks like an upside down labeled cart that spent a lot of time getting sun bleached
  11. The outside is effected i see a discoloration in the area that corner looks duller I also noticed the print on the inside is flat black/red missing some details of the image.
  12. Is this yours? Is this yours can you get close ups of the effected areas on both sides?
  13. It failed to eject from the printer rotated and printed again
  14. One of my favorite cheat devices i own for the Genesis
  15. Shaq Fu (Genesis) Character Modifiers Story mode Play as Mephis AEJA-AAHY Play as Sett AJJA-AAHY Play as Nezu ANJA-AAHY Play as Kaori ATJA-AAHY Play as Beast AYJA-AAHY Play as Auroch A2JA-AAHY Play as Voodoo A6JA-AAHY Play as Colonel BAJA-AAHY Play as Diesel BEJA-AAHY play as Leotsu BJJA-AAHY Play as Rajah BNJA-AAHY shaq fu (genesis) Story mode Character Modifier/Stage Modifier North Gate 004A90:XXYY Wasteland 004A92:XXYY Lost Jungle 004A8C:XXYY Yasko Mines 004A8A:XXYY Vagabond temple 004A8E:XXYY Gargoyles' Peak 004A94:XXYY Bonus Fight 1 004AA2:XXYY Catwalk Falls 004A96:XXYY The Lab 004A98:XXYY South Gate 004A9A:XXYY Bonus Stage 004AA0:XXYY Bonus Fight 2 004AA4:XXYY Dragon's Pass 004A9C:XXYY Tombstone Island 004A9E:XXYY XX= 00 - Shaq 01 - Mephis 02 - Sett 03 - Nezu 04 - Kaori 05 - Beast 06 - Auroch 07 - Voodoo 08 - Colonel 09 - Diesel 0A - Leotsu 0B - Rajah 0C - Bonus Level (Skeletons) 0D - Bonus Fight (Dark Beast) 0E - Bonus Fight (Dark Sett) YY= 00- Dragon Pass 01- Wasteland 02- Lost Jungle 03- Tombstone Island 04- Gargoyles' Peak 05- North/South Gate 06- Catwalk Falls 07- Vagabond temple 08- The Lab 09- Yasko Mines
  16. Now you can say you wrote the book on famicom carts
  17. The normal version of this one is pretty common can be found easily on eBay (Didn't really need a pic but I wanted to show mine off ) If you mean el chavo kart there's a few on eBay with a $100 price
  18. CIB=cart instructions box Complete= CIB and anything else that came with the game including inserts dust covers baggies Styrofoam block
  19. Street Fighter II (SNES) Enable Same Character In Vs. Mode 74C6-6493 Double dragon V (GEN) enable bosses all modes 9HPA-HRY2 Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday (SNES) Enable Alternative Options Screen and Joe Booth's C.M.S. Editor 7DA1-A790 Toxic Crusaders (GEN) Enabled Cheat Code Level Select In Options AJ5T-AA9T RE4T-A612 Slaughter Sport (GEN) Character modifier codes 1 player Edwina AHPA-CAG4 Guano AMPA-CAG4 Bonepart ASPA-CAG4 Robochic AXPA-CAG4 Stump A1PA-CAG4 Ramses A5PA-CAG4 Webra A9PA-CAG4 Mc Fire BDPA-CAG4 Sheba BHPA-CAG4 Weezil BMPA-CAG4 Skinny BSPA-CAG4 Braniac BXPA-CAG4 Buff B1PA-CAG4 El Toro B5PA-CAG4 Spidra B9PA-CAG4 Mondu CDPA-CAG4
  20. Yes it's legit the label shows the common misalignment of the gold and red beneath it. Found on the Mexican reprint this example is more extreme than yours. As for the label and box glossiness that is standard for the snes reprints. The label lift in the corner is sadly pretty common with upside down labels.
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