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Everything posted by bronzeshield

  1. Something about that shot screams 3DO to me, though I'm probably wrong. PO'ed?
  2. I loathed that game and have no idea why some people seem to like it. I described it this way, once upon a time: "bad controls, frustrating and unclear level design, erratic hit detection, gratuitous gore and gross-out humor, forced hits/damage and cheap shots, and just a feeling of having been designed by a committee of back-slapping dudes who say “bro” all the time."
  3. That is a very clever guess! I don't think it's right, but I totally see what you see in the UI.
  4. Robotica is the closest I've found yet, but I don't think that's it.
  5. Giving me "automap from a mid-1990s FPS or survival horror game" vibes, but I can't put my finger on it and the graphics seem a hair too primitive for it. Maybe something on the SNES...
  6. Total gut response: Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective.
  7. I'm slowly chipping away at Army Men: Air Attack 2. No promises on speed but I'll get there sooner or later! It's annoying that you can't see whether you've gotten 100% of the plastic until the post-level sequence, though.
  8. Hey, it's not like I can fault anyone for lambasting a game that so completely screws you on the passwords like LOTR does! You're in good company... ...but that soundtrack, man, it hits me right in the proverbial feels. I'm hard-pressed to think of a game that makes me want to be a teenager again more intensely than that does. Totally serious -- I find it intensely moving -- hope to play it with my kid someday (she'll probably put me in a home for it though).
  9. Literally, I suppose, since I haven't given any clues! Here's one: this game is considered by some to be among the very worst on its platform (though I don't agree, actually -- I think it's deeply flawed but has its charm, including an amazing soundtrack).
  10. ...or I guess we need more than that? This should be a gimme for anyone who's played this game much:
  11. OK, looks like this one stumped the panel: it's Buttsubushi for PlayStation, which came out in Germany and Japan. It's got a vaguely Bomberman-esque arcade mode, which is where I took the shots from, but the puzzle mode is actually the better part of the game. Here's one shot from that:
  12. Not KFS, though we're in the right console gen!
  13. One more image, then I'll reveal the answer if we don't have a winner by tomorrow morning or so:
  14. Another hint: it was released in Europe (as well as Japan), but only in one European country.
  15. Nope, not Klax! Here's a less cropped picture: And a hint: this is a console game that was never released in the US.
  16. I had to Google that one to be sure it wasn't a real game!
  17. Ah, that's Devil's Crush/Dragon's Fury, right?
  18. Glad to do it! One thing: you can get the traders to change their offerings by hitting a fairly obscure key combination -- something like hold A + press up and down. This wasn't obvious to me when I first played through No Escape and I thought the options were much fewer, but the SNES version has a dedicated button for it and I realized I'd been missing out on a lot of possible trades. When I beat No Escape there were no video playthroughs on YouTube, walkthroughs, or anything. Figuring out the crafting mechanics myself was fun, though I never did build a working gun!
  19. Pssst...hey, @Jeevan, any chance the first post could be updated? I'm in the mood to beat more PlayStation games and it's very motivating to see my victories (and others' too) crossed off the list. Trying to decide what to tackle next. I've been playing around with a few: Mortal Kombat: Special Forces (ridiculously hard to see, it's so dark) Eagle One: Harrier Attack (that intro FMV is amazing) M&Ms: Shell Shocked (shovelware Crash Bandiclone) Roland Garros: French Open 2001 (yikes) Chocobo's Dungeon 1 (fan translation of Japanese exclusive, probably not eligible here but it's a decent "roguelite" and I've found it mildly entertaining)
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