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Game Debate #45: Animal Crossing

Reed Rothchild

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35 members have voted

  1. 1. Rate based on your own personal preferences, NOT historical significance

    • 10/10 - One of your very favorite games of all time.
    • 9/10 - Killer fucking game. Everyone should play it.
    • 8/10 - Great game. You like to recommend it.
    • 7/10 - Very good game, but not quite great.
    • 6/10 - Pretty good. You might enjoy occasionally playing it.
    • 5/10 - It's okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to play.
    • 4/10 - Meh. There's plenty of better alternatives to this.
    • 3/10 - Not a very good game.
    • 2/10 - Not your cup of tea at all. Some people might like this, but you are not one of them.
    • 1/10 - Horrible game in every way.
    • 0/10 - The Desert Bus of painful experiences. You'd rather shove an icepick in your genitals than play this.
    • Never played it, but you're interested.
    • Never played it, never will.
  2. 2. Next week's poll

    • Zelda II: The Adventures of Link
    • Super Mario Kart
    • Sonic CD
    • Super Smash Bros.

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Probably my second favorite game on the GameCube (behind Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door), and my favorite game in the series along with New Leaf. Music is catchy and relaxing, the inclusion of 18 NES games and one Famicom Disk System game (CluClu Land D) is a nice bonus, the various items in the game are fun to collect (Super Mario Bros. furniture, Nintendo Bench, models, etc.), and I like that it differs from other games in the series in several ways (overhead view, divided into acres, and having different Museum music). The visuals are outdated, sure, but there are Action Replay codes that can force the game to display in widescreen and it actually looks decent on my HDTV. Then there`s the fact that my GameCube is hooked up with its Component cable, connected to a Sound Bar and Subwoofer, and I use a Wavebird Wireless Controller, and the game still seems fresh after all these years. Been playing the game since Dec. 2006, and I still have my original copy. My Memory Card still contains my original town.

Around when Mega Man 11 was announced in 2017, I recreated the Mega Man 30th Anniversary logo (which took over an hour to make):

I like the added features from the Japanese e+ version as well, such as SD Card support and waking up Tom Nook and entering his store when it`s closed:




Edited by MegaMan52
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9/10, the most charming game. My only gripe with the series is that every release has been only incremental upgrades on the first game. The sum total of those upgrades in New Horizons is pretty significant now but we never got a "wow!" sequel like the first game wow'd me.

Maybe it's just because of how I played games at the time, but I was a lot more relaxed-do-whatever when I played Animal Crossing, compared to how I play New Horizons where it's grind for bells, do my dailies, oh I lost a villager, gotta grind out islands for hours until I find a desirable villager. Maybe there's just too much information out there now.

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I absolutely loved the original AC. Easy 9/10. I spent hundreds of hours in my town back then. But of course that was when I had time to spend. I've played every iteration of the game and I've liked them all but I find myself spending less and less time with each new entry due to lack of time because the game does become a commitment of sorts.

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Editorials Team · Posted

I've never played one either.  Generally I'm more of "beating the game" goal-focused sorta guy, so a chore simulator doesn't exactly sound like my cup of tea.

But I also consider myself rather open-minded.  And a billion people can't be wrong.  So I'll probably check one out someday.  But I also don't see why I wouldn't check out one of the handheld versions, like New Horizons or New Leaf.  So the odds I play this one are about zero.

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5 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

I've never played one either.  Generally I'm more of "beating the game" goal-focused sorta guy, so a chore simulator doesn't exactly sound like my cup of tea.

But I also consider myself rather open-minded.  And a billion people can't be wrong.  So I'll probably check one out someday.  But I also don't see why I wouldn't check out one of the handheld versions, like New Horizons or New Leaf.  So the odds I play this one are about zero.

Spend a day of your life entering codes into the post office obtain all the items and you too can beat Animal Crossing


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I used to love it when the other animal residents would show me the horribly mean letters that my sister had sent to them.

Honestly though, that was my favorite part of the game. I thought it was so cool that we could see how each other had been effecting the environment, as well as communicating to each other through signs we'd post around town and through messages we would send the villagers leading to many legit laugh-out-loud moments for me.

The actual gameplay was surprisingly addicting as well, but playing in a village by myself never felt as much fun.



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I never played animal crossing until new horizons came out last year. With it being the start of lock down I want hard, but then it just got old. I haven't played it since like June or so now. 


Tried to go back and play older ones but just couldn't get into it. 


Adorbs idea just not there yet for me. 

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Never played them and its honestly not my style of game anyway. I tried to play a bit of Stardew Valley when that was all the rage...and there were some moments of fun there...but the whole "town sim" genre just doesn't do a lot for me. Give me a machine gun and an alien invasion to fend off or something.

Edited by Webhead123
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AC is very much a zeitgeist game for me. There is a specific time of your life in which it is meaningful, and I am past that time. When it was out, however, I think it was the right time; However, I spent more time playing the NES games than doing the game part.

I think it gets a 10/10 for atmosphere and that's what it is going for, but as a game, it's not much to me. At the same time, I can't say it's a bad game; It just isn't the one for me. It's like a simulation of a summer trip to another land, or of lazy childhood days spent irresponsibly, as younger days so often are. Even now, my favorite time-of-day music is returning to my mind as I think of it.

Fun anecdote; A friend of mine has a new year's tradition where he brings out his AC game and memory card, cleans up all of the weeds, and watches the new year's celebration in AC rather than the ball drop/etc. Maybe there's something about the New Year's music; AC on GC has a really esoteric soundtrack, one which I feel is unmatched by any other entry in the series (though that may be nostalgia talking).

I'm going to give it a 7/10; I like the original much more than the sequels, even if they added more features, and I think it has more character, particularly because of how they localized it. I'm no great judge of Japanese, but I've read some about the differences, and even ignoring all that was added to the GC release for the west, the characters just come off as having way more personality, and frankly the rude/snooty villagers are actually rude and snooty, instead of just being "less nice" (which was my biggest gripe about the 3DS game). Them warming up to you with time felt more real in that game.

here's a site that plays all the game music on the hour, so you can simulate it


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You know how I recently got really into PS3/PS4 trophies?  Well similarly the AC games are just not the same without the bonus retro games.  I can't believe they didn't continue that as a tradition in future AC's and frankly, I've not really felt the need to do any of the others.  Is that just as much if not more stupid a reason as me not feeling compelled to do Final Fantasy 15 just because it's all guys on the team? 😞 

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