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Dispensary 33's Waldos Forever NES game


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Waldos Forever is a short NES game commissioned by Chicago's Dispensary 33. It's a single button jump'n'bump platformer where the objective is to raise the score the 420 by collecting D33 tokens. It features a host of cameos by Chicago performers involved in previous 4/20 Waldos Fest, an annual block party hosted by D33 in Chicago. The game was produced by Chicago's White Mystery band and Developed by Myself, with programming handled by@dale_coop, and some additional photoshop/Nesst wizardry from @Mugi.  Music was handled by Chicago's Spun Out Productions,  their first chiptune project (they're interested in more if any developers like what they hear) they did a knockout job while I focused on character animations, background graphics, and level design.


The Game should be live on their website starting on 4/16. They'll be hosting it via emulator on their website which should also work on most Mobile phones since it is only a one button game. I believe they'll also be hosting the ROM file as well. Plans for cartridge release is not up to me, but they currently plan on doing some sort of contest giveaway of 25 carts open to local customers.  I can update those details as they come for anyone who might be interested.

This is now my 2nd game released and was another great opportunity to collaborate with people. I've been focused on Asset creation for other developers since finishing Space Raft NES, it's nice to be able to circle back around for a quick project and apply what I've learned. So hope some of you enjoy, and Happy 4/20.. lol



waldos title.PNG


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9 hours ago, a3quit4s said:

Shut up and take my money! Where can I order one for recreational purposes!

you woud have to ask @Raftronautor dispensary33 directly regarding whether or not the cartridges will be available for public.

what you're seeing is one of the (to my knowledge) 5 existings copies that were sent to the parties related to making the game.

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