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Have you ever seen a commercial steal music from a video game ?


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I was just watching a video on YouTube and then one of the commercials popped up. In the commercial the music was a saxophone or similar wind instrument.. but what caught my attention was that it was playing the song at the end of Mario 3 after you beat the game..

This instantly reminded me of a time I was visiting some of my moms side of the family in the Philippines in 2008. We were watching broadcast television, and a commercial popped up. It was with an old man Speaking in Tagalog. I don’t know what he was saying, but in the background they were playing a straight rip of “the end of time” from Chrono Trigger.

I wonder how often this happens.

Edited by phart010
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Honestly, if you are going to steal IP, game music (at least the old stuff) would be the easiest to get away with, especially if you used it in the US, but it originated from Japan.

To answer your question, I have only heard this in the ocassional, non gamer youtube channel. It's like the YouTuber just found a random tune they felt fit the emotion of the moment and, turns out, that's Streets of Desolation from Batman.

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Yes!!  I wish I could find it but there was a car commercial (Audi?) who ripped off the password music from MegaMan X3!

And I think sometime in the early to mid 90s I remember a soap opera commercial/promo which, of all things, used the Wart music from Super Mario Bros 2...no joke!

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