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Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline coming NOV 24th


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I guess I'll read it, but I can wait for it to be dirt cheap second-hand.

I enjoyed the first book well enough, but once the story gets moving it was pretty easy to see Cline's crutch of bludgeoning you with nostalgic references to hide what was otherwise fairly mediocre writing.


I did, separately, enjoy what was done with the movie, though. 

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Just finished Ready Player Two.  I wasn't liking it at first, but by the end I was really into it.  If you can believe it, it's even more fantastical than the first.  Some of the technological things bent my willing suspension of disbelief to almost the breaking point.  But you know what, just don't think about that stuff too much and it was another fun ride.  I will be surprised if this one makes it into a movie version though.

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30 minutes ago, ThePhleo said:

I must be the only nerd who absolutely hated the movie. Me and my wife said it was “being geeky just to be geeky”

Never realized it was based on a book though! I should be ashamed of myself for not knowing that.

I might actually pick it up and *gasp* read it!

You probably won’t like the book then. It is even more extreme with its geeky to be geeky references. I don’t think he is a very good writer so uses all the pop culture references to hide that. I got a third through the book and wished I had a bonfire near me at the time haha.

I enjoyed the movie though and found the geek references were toned done compared to the book.

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10 hours ago, Shmup said:

I don’t think he is a very good writer so uses all the pop culture references to hide that.

My thoughts exactly.

If you read the book expecting fan-service pulp, it is entertaining in the moment.  But the more you reflect on it, the more grating the particular combination of cultural references become, IMO 😛

Not sure if I could get through a sequel novel, or not.


On the other hand -- he should serve as an inspiration to aspiring writers that no matter how bad you are at it, there just might be a market for your story...

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