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Hi All,

I found this forum following a recommendation at a reddit post. Never got to register to NA but used to go there a zillion times to check up discussion topic as I really enjoyed reading the different views and opinions people shared in relation various distinct subjects. 

I am a game collector/gamer from Portugal (Europe) and I mainly collect for Nintendo (Consoles NES/SNES/N64/GC/Wii U and Handhels GB/GBC/GBA/DS/3DS) and Sega (Consoles Master System/Mega Drive/Saturn/Dreamcast and Handheld GG) but I also got recently into PS1. Buy a lot over seas including in the US since I collect mainly NTSC for most of Nintendo stuff and PS1 plus an occasional Sega Genesis title here and there that we didn't get here released.

Hope to get more in contact with the community and get to know you all better.


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Hi Guys,

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I promise to organize some pics of the collection this weekend to show. Currently out of town due to work related matters so can only get back to you probably on Sunday once I am back home. Can't say I have much of a room to show as I live in a rented apartment so never made an effort investing in furniture for displaying the collection as I hope to move out in the near future.  

Concerning the question on my perspective of collecting across the pond I do have the advantage of having friends over in the US as well as other countries who hoard my stuff I buy there. Then when they travel to my country which happens several times a year they bring me my purchases so I avoid custom taxes (for buying outside of the European Union space) and also postage which is quite the money saver.

Edited by Turiacus
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