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Super Mario Maker 2 final update


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2 hours ago, Quest4Nes said:

Um im using it right now lol. Have you actually dived into it? You just click the w1 on the left and then add w2,w3 etc. Each world can have 5 levels. 1 beibg the castle. Though it doesnt have to be a castle theme. Each super world can have 8 worlds. After beating it cannon launches you to the next world. There are 6 super world save slots. So one would assume 6 super worlds. Why would their be 6 super world save slots in worldbot?

Im pretty sure your press releases are casuals who have not dived into it much. Your kutaku and gamespot writers of the world arent like members here. They arent the nintendo diehard enthusiasts of the world. They think they are though.


Have you dove into it?


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You can upload one complete super world at a time.( 1 super world containing 8 worlds).  You can still have it in a save spot, and not delete it. Go to worldbot and upload another file. It will take so long to build another complete game it wont matter.

What you were saying was you couldnt string just the regular worlds created.. YES you can.


Keyword there. UPLOADED at a time. You can create other ones in the save spots in worldbot. If you have a family account for online, you can build another profile on that account if you have to have 2 complete games uploaded at once.


Dont be a smartass. You were completely wrong in your original assessment. You said, you could only create world 1 and thats it and there was no way to string together levels in more than 1 world. Thats what we were debating. I said you can make 6 games. 6 save spots. You can have 1 ACTIVE at a time. Once you upload your levels on coursebot you do not have to replay them to upload them to a world. It will let you upload them automatically if they have been clear checked already. It would take 10 seconds to upload a different game after its made. 


Thats why it says  Super (Your Mario Maker ID) World. You can have 1 active super world tied your account. Why would they have 6 spots in worldbot if you couldnt create more than 1 period? Your screenshot says your Uploaded one will be overwritten when you UPLOAD another. Doesnt mean your work is erased. Its in your worldbot

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On 4/23/2020 at 12:15 PM, LaC said:

Yeah this is what I was hoping for, but its extremely limited.  Basically you can recreate the first overworld screen of Super Mario World and thats it.  You can't even upload multiple worlds.

Nintendo doesn't want to allow this for obvious reasons. Too bad.


This was the quote I was talking about. you can do more than "the world 1"  screen. You can have 8 world 1 screens themed and decorated different 🙂


you asked me how you can even string levels together, so dont even pretend you meant super worlds.



World Maker
  • You can now select World Maker and Worldbot from the main menu.
  • In World Maker, you can create your own Super Worlds.
    • You can set up to eight worlds and 40 courses in one Super World.
    • You can set courses that are saved under My Courses in Coursebot.
  • In Worldbot, you can view Super Worlds that you made in World Maker.
    • You can save up to six Super Worlds.
    • Each Maker can upload one Super World to Course World.
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3 minutes ago, zeppelin03 said:

The username had 8 and 40 under the name.

yea now I think hes trying to shift to meaning you could only upload 1 super world at a time. That wasnt what he was meaning, but if he wants to say that now. Sure. You can upload one super world at a time. But there are 6 save slots for your creations. Just one active at a time. It will take a few months to make a super world anyway, so by the time Id finish my super mario world or 3D world one next it will be a few months and ready for a change anyway. When you upload your levels originally to clear check them they are all individually in rotation on their servers anyway so your levels still can get played.

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32 minutes ago, Quest4Nes said:

yea now I think hes trying to shift to meaning you could only upload 1 super world at a time. That wasnt what he was meaning, but if he wants to say that now. Sure. You can upload one super world at a time. But there are 6 save slots for your creations. Just one active at a time. It will take a few months to make a super world anyway, so by the time Id finish my super mario world or 3D world one next it will be a few months and ready for a change anyway. When you upload your levels originally to clear check them they are all individually in rotation on their servers anyway so your levels still can get played.

I'm not sure why you are getting so upset.  I went back and read what I said and I guess I could have been more clear? 

I was confused when you said you could upload 6 worlds and then string them together.  Felt like I was missing something in the interface so I doubled checked the reviews I read and tried to make multiple worlds. 

If you go back and read what I was saying its that it's limiting in that you can't make Super Mario World.   

You can only make what's circled below and not the whole image...

I was probably using the wrong terminology.  I consider "levels" the little dots and "worlds" whats in the squares.  Like Yoshi's Island is a "World".



If there is a way to do something like in the image above. I'd like to know how to do it.  I think that's what everyone wants to be able to do.  

I mean I guess you can kind of do that by making 6 worlds and then playing them in order locally.  But then that's not really sharing the same map, and you can only upload and share one of them.  

It completely makes sense for Nintendo to prevent you from doing it.  Just was disappointing is all.  




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I never said you could upload 6 worlds and string them together. I said you can make 6 super worlds. Each super world is 8 worlds and 40 levels. You didnt make that clear at all. And yes you can make 8 one screen worlds and play them all together. I dont think this was your original intended argument. But whatever.


I wasnt really upset at you. Not until the smart ass reply of have I dove into it, when its quite clear your point was wrong originally.


You still dont seem to understand you can have 8 worlds in your super world and play them in order. You just dont have a connecting overworld 20 screen land mass. The aesthetic is mario world, but the set up is clearly just like mario 3

You're back tracking, its ok. There wasnt confusion. I know what you were talking about. What you just said, "A world is the circled part" . Yeah you can make 8 of those and string them together. Earlier you said you couldnt string together worlds. So which terminology is worlds this time? You can connect super worlds? yes.

Its easy just to admit your wrong and move on. Instead of trying to drawing something to prove you were right all along and change the meaning. I dont believe you meant that for a second. This might have ended a long time ago. Other people misinterpreted you to apparently. So whatever. Ill drop it. If you want to keep it going Ill keep talking. 

Anyways, I love this game now. Its not perfect. But its hella better than it was a week ago. Maybe mario maker 3 will have some enhanced course world stuff. Ill buy that too.

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On 4/23/2020 at 8:48 PM, Quest4Nes said:

Hes not right. You can upload 6 super worlds.

What did you mean by this then? You mean you can choose from 6 super worlds to upload?

I see how to string them together now.  I missed that part of the interface.  I thought it was only uploading a single world, and saw World/Super-World as the same at first.

Yes that makes sense it's like Mario 3 overworld, but with SMW art style.  That is more like a full game you can create and certainly better than I thought.  I wonder why they went with the Mario 3 overworld. 

Go and read my original post I was saying you can't make SMW.  At that point I didn't see how you could string worlds together.  Now I see you can definitely make something more like Mario3, but in a limited way of course.  None of the crazy logic that would require scripting of some sort.









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I used the wrong word. I was mesning you can make 6 super worlds. You can have 1 active. All your levels are still on the server to play since they are uploaded clear check originally before placed in the worlds. I was trying to stress you can make more than 1 becsuse of the six save slots

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