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Is anyone here learning a foreign language at the moment? If so, which language are you learning? Any reasons you chose that language?

With much of the world being in lockdown, I sort of look at 2020 as a year for self improvement, mostly. I'm thinking about picking up my Chinese studies again later this year, once the rest of my workload settles down. I also might try to learn some conversational Spanish, building on what I learnt in university.

What about everyone else? Fancy learning some Japanese? French? 

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Waaaaaaay back in the early days of my career (2002-03I fell in love with Perl, and I was professionally coding with it for about a year.  It's completely pointless today, but for fun I've wanted to go back and try to learn Raku (which is Perl 6).  It'd be 100% useless for my career, but it could be fun.  Kind of like catching up with a high school buddy just to see how much he has (or hasn't!) changed.

Long ago I got interested in learning japanese, back in the mid 90s during my anime craze, I learned a lot very quickly but then after a few years coupled with depression and other shit going on I slacked on it and then just couldn't get full blown back into it again. I tried various times over the years since and each time has just been very brief. I have maintained most of what I learned early in my studies but haven't learned anything new. A few years ago I started studying french, went at this hard core for a long while and having a 360 at the time every game I downloaded I did to play them in french language and/or subtitles but still I go through times of depression and self destructive episodes and it set me back and I sometimes went weeks or months without doing anything which includes studying french. I am passed all that now, feel better, better than I ever have, but still not full blown back into heavy learning, though am still playing games in french and reading stuff when I can and retain what I already learned, just find it hard to learn new stuff, plus am balancing my time out with other stuff. I can read, understand most of what I read in french, but coming up with the words to craft my own sentences or express my thoughts, that is my weak point, but am better with it than I am with japanese, though even that I surprise myself still on how much of that I know given my lack of study or using it.

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