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Hey guys,

Hope everyone is safe and healthy during these difficult times.  I am new, so I'd like to introduce myself.

I am a huge promo collector for games, especially RPGs.  Hoping to make friends with people who are down to sell or trade RPG promo materials or rare items.

Right now, I have about 600 unique promotional posters for games, mostly RPGs, not including standees or rare items, etc.

I like games like Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile, Shin Megami Tensei, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger (of course), Chrono Cross, Dragon Quest, Fallout, and a list too long I'd likely bore you.

Happy to be here in this forum and looking forward to getting to know some of you and becoming friends, and hopefully making deals.

One reason I joined is to find a Parasite Eve standee.  That's something I've been after for a while.  Never met anyone willing to part with one for a price I could afford.

Thanks for letting me be a part of this forum and wishing you all the best.



Edited by JanusZeal
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3 hours ago, JanusZeal said:

Hey guys! Thanks a3quit4s ! I used to live in Maryland, nearby where you are!  Thanks for the regards!
drxandy Thanks a lot for the welcome! 
Thanks, Jeevan appreciate the welcome!  I love Mallow!  He's a freaking G!

Happy to be part of a cool gaming community!  Hope to get to know all you amazing gamers and collectors and contribute to the forum in a meaningful way!


Edited by JanusZeal
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Here are the 4 USA convention-exclusive Wii posters for Xenoblade.  Figure I'd show a few more!  I love RPG's so much, so any help in building my promo collection would be SO AWESOME.  I really want to catalogue these for posterity.  I take really good care of them, with the intention of digitizing them someday.  I'd like to share with an awesome gaming community that makes me feel like one of them.  Hope you enjoy!





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11 minutes ago, drxandy said:

Those are awesome! I love RPGs 🙂

Thanks, man!  Appreciate the love!  I know there are some collecting titans here, and it's humbling to share my little corner of the whole scene with likeminded people.

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Thanks, everyone!  TrekMD  Bubbapauls DoctorEncore  I appreciate it!  I hope to become a regular member of the community here, the welcomes make me feel a part of it already!

Also, thanks for the appreciation on the Xenoblade posters!  I will definitely share more of my collection here!

Thanks, SpoonMan Abrams X and Jfreakofkorn  !!  Much appreciated!  I feel very welcome!  Thanks for the compliment on my posters!  Here are a couple more!

The Wild Arms 2 is double-sided!  Hoping to continue to build this collection as much as I can!  I love RPGs!!




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Hey m308gunner RH Chuppa Thanks a ton for the welcomes!  Appreciate the comments!   Thanks for the love and appreciation!

My brother enjoys BoF3 more, too.  It is a charming game.  I'm torn between 3 and 4 myself.  3 is so nostalgic.

I do have some framed.  One for Xenogears is framed, along with a Star Ocean poster, and one for Suikoden III, among a few others -- I'll see about getting some pics.  

I store them all rolled in acid-free sleeves.  Usually several to a tube.  Some people argue for storing flat, but I feel safer with them rolled in hard tubes.

Hope to be sharing a lot more with you guys here!  And of course, seeing what it is you all collect.  Every little niche is a whole universe.

You guys are the best, thanks again for the welcomes!


Homebrew Team · Posted

Welcome aboard!

Promo materials and posters, that's cool.  If you start sharing images of them on the forum, I'd be interested in seeing what you have for Star Ocean Second Story or Final Fantasy Tactics. 

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Thanks Bearcat-Doug Deadeye and MuNKeY!!

Really appreciate the welcomes!   Here are some of the Star Ocean 2 posters I have (I have a ton of nonpromo SO2 posters, as well, maybe 16).  I'll see all I have for Tactics, but I have less for that.



Edited by JanusZeal
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Homebrew Team · Posted

I loved SO2 during that era.  I just came off of completing FF7 and I needed another futuristic, world may end, RPG.  The game was so vast and I really liked that battle system.  Being able to play as either Claude or Rena was cool too. 

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Hi, just found out about this forums. Im all about retro games, mainly fighters, beatemups, shmups and rpgs. My nick means Dreamcast+gameCube+PlayStation. 

See you around, guys.

(Ps: english is not my native language )

Edited by DreamCuPS
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