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What are your Coronavirus Lockdown resolutions?


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1 big one for me is to get more of my collection added into the collection tool on GVN.  I need to add my Xbox360, Xbox, all Sega platforms, and all Playstation platforms to my database.  Im also going to start repairing some of the computers and consoles I have had sitting around for years, but due to lockdown rules, I will probs only be able to work on whats at my house, and not in storage.

Edited by SilverspoonGaming
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Mainly keep my job (very fortunate to be working in med-tech right now) and keep my kids alive (not having daycare to rely on is very difficult right now). Also supporting my synagogue with going all virtual right now. But otherwise - make as much progress as I can in Animal Crossing, organize my house as much as I can, clean the garage (did that one yesterday, was worth it) and get a riding mower so I can mow my own lawn. Dad stuff. 

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Moderator · Posted

Mine have been working on finally putting all my posters, inserts, precautions booklets into my NES and SNES sets. Done with SNES (and need to buy lots more), started on NES. I’ve also been picking away at the GameCube set and only need about 80 more. 

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18 minutes ago, BeaglePuss said:

Found the smallest amount of water on the floor of my basement. Turns out, the waste pipe had completely rotted under my garage. So, I rented a jack hammer and removed the whole thing. New PVC is already installed and tied in. I plan on doing the concrete on Wednesday. 


That's shitty! 

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1 hour ago, Estil said:

Can you do this one then?  Okay he's not on banjo this time but that's beside the point.  BTW, it's so cute how in the beginning he calls the song Eight Mo' Mile Until Lewisville 😄


Considering that you went to UK, I know exactly what you are talking about. Haha.

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My wife being in the medical field has been exposed to the Coronavirus a few times now, even though she pretty much has to wear a biocontainment suit thru her whole shift, theres still that possibility of a slip up.  With that said, the health of our family is close to the top currently.  We still arent on a total lockdown in Nebraska, but it will happen eventually.

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On 4/6/2020 at 1:12 PM, Estil said:

Can you do this one then?  Okay he's not on banjo this time but that's beside the point.  BTW, it's so cute how in the beginning he calls the song Eight Mo' Mile Until Lewisville 😄


Hoping by the end of this quarantine I’ll be able to. I tried mandolin but the double coursed strings are too much for me.

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10 hours ago, The Strangest said:

Hoping by the end of this quarantine I’ll be able to. I tried mandolin but the double coursed strings are too much for me.

So you probably won't be able to match the Founding Father of both Bluegrass and the Mandolin, Bill Monroe right?  FUN FACT: In 1988 it was made the official Bluegrass song (and essentially the second state song) of Kentucky:

And while we're on the subject of state songs, here's without a doubt the most famous rendition of My Old Kentucky Home (which is traditionally played after each home UK game, sorta like our version of a flag lowering/"Taps" sort of concluding number), sung by our 44th (1935-39) and 49th governor (1955-59) as well as the second Commissioner of MLB (1945-51) 🙂 

And at the risk of looking like a bit of a traitor, I gotta include this rendition of Tennessee's state (and university) song as it includes a nice band with both a banjo and mandolin:


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