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Always been a fan of Dragon Ball (though I have yet to finish watching Super) but I have not played much of the games aside a few fighters here and there, never played any of the xenoverse titles so figured this one was a good chance to try a non fighter out, so far its not been all that bad aside the flying around (not really liking all the damn orb collecting bits but I have noticed in doing such you sorta get a lay of the land in a way) but I have slowly gotten accustomed to, some of the battles with minor enemies gets a bit dull but also once you get a bit stronger you can pretty much just mow their asses over and collect orbs and exp, boss battles get pretty fun and messing with the "ultimate evils".  The story does a fair job I suppose, but I have watched Z saga countless times over the years and personally to me it seems rushed in the game but I think in a way its supposed to be.  All in all not quite sure if it was really worth the $60+ price tag but I have sunk in a good 20hrs in it so far and just now ended the Saiyan arc (which I did dick around a lot doing side quests and mucking about) but I haven't gotten bored with it yet so I suppose that is a good thing.

Anyone else playing this, have some thoughts on it? 

Edited by MuNKeY
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