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2022 VGS NES Weekly Contest - Paperboy 2!


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Events Team · Posted

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome, welcome!

It is time for some sweet, sweet arcade action in our beloved contest!
Our contestants will pick their bikes, gather a bunch of papers and go fulfil their danger filled delivery route to prove who is the best paperboy/papergirl of VGS!

The rules are as follow:

  • 1 player only
  • Choose to be either a Paperboy or Papergirl
  • Start on the default route.  You are not allowed to put in a code to play further in the game
  • Play until you are fired (Game Over)
  • Take your picture on the Top 5 Scores screen
  • Highest score wins
  • Participation: 10,000
  • GENRE: Arcade

Ride and deliver! Glory awaits you!

The contest ends Sunday, 03/27/22 at 11 pm EST.  Your user name should be written or typed on a piece of paper and be in the picture for your score to be valid. For speed runs that require video, that is not required.  The entire TV screen, or computer monitor if you are playing on an emulator, MUST be in the picture for the score to be valid.  No partial screenshots will be considered or accepted.  No screenshots by hitting "print screen" on a computer will be allowed.  You must take a picture of your computer monitor.  There may be instances where this will be acceptable, but it will be at the discretion of myself and the contest organizers.  Also, the use of turbo controllers is forbidden, as well as any cheat codes, Game Genies, slow motion functions, or save states if playing on an emulator.  Also, we will only be using NTSC systems for the contests.  The use of PAL systems will NOT be allowed.  Good luck everyone and have fun.

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Goddamn this game sucks.  I really dig the first one, but man this one blows.

Also, not sure why my image chose to turn on it's side...it's right on my PC and my phone, so it seems like VGS did something to it.  But regardless, unless I get REALLY bored, this is probably gonna be my score this week.

EDIT: Well, I got really bored, so I played it again.  Made it to Thursday, and while I still think it sucks, it's not as bad as I had initially thought.  Still pretty craptacular though...I really don't see what the appeal is.  Still, I think there's still room for improvement if I could be arsed to give it another go.

Edited by the_wizard_666
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8 minutes ago, NESfiend said:

Paperboy 2 was based on the life of this legend. Couldnt get enough of that movie growing up. 


Cru Jones for President!

The movie was actually filmed right here in Calgary & Cochrane, Alberta... 😛  I couldn't buy the bluray (when it was finally released) soon enough...

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10 minutes ago, Dr. Morbis said:

Cru Jones for President!

The movie was actually filmed right here in Calgary & Cochrane, Alberta... 😛  I couldn't buy the bluray (when it was finally released) soon enough...

In looking for that image, I discovered that a very old Bill Elliott wrote a book called, "My RAD Life." You need to add that to your collection. 

Ive watched it a lot on some streaming platform with my son. He calls it the bike movie and Im never disappointed when he chooses that. Timelss. 

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My only issue with the Paperboy games is that you can see your death coming long before it happens but you just can't seem to get your bike out of the way, so it's like seeing your life flash before your eyes over and over and over again with the same damn negative result - very frustrating.  Sigh.... I haven't even beat Wednesday yet...

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242,950       Reachin'

227,890       Lotta Playin' for a little improvement..

221,450       Butler-Level-Quality-And-Then-Some

134,200      Almost Jeevan level riding and tossing.. 








Edited by PII
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2 hours ago, Jeevan said:

got the furthest I ever have in this game, second route btw.  and was confused as hell on it lol.  

The changes from route 1 to route 2 seem crazy at first, but didnt take much getting used to. I had reached it before, but was always pretty much on empty lives wise and never got anywhere. 

Now I can reach it in good shape on lives and if you watched me play Monday, youd think Id run right through week 2. But there seems to be a HUGE difficulty jump on Wednesday, which is around the same time Im approaching 100k. Probably not a coincidence high scores so far are 118, 103, 102

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