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Vision Pro MTG-1901 - No High Voltage

Quick fix on a monitor I picked up recently. When I got it, it would not power up fully. I noticed that I could hear chatter when I gave it a video signal, but ultimately got no neck glow (heater voltage) and I didn't hear any high voltage, so a serious power issue was happening.

Upon closer examination, I noticed there were a couple capacitors that had bulged at the top, and that a transistor had gotten very hot, enough to singe the board.


After replacing the two capacitors that were bulging and the burnt transistor, the monitor fired up just fine. While I was working on it, I had also decided to replace the rest of the capacitors.

I was able to use a new piece of equipment to display test patterns, a Sencore CM2000. I had picked it up this past week as it could help test flybacks and could make test patterns. Because it was a bench unit, it was more ideal for burn in tests as it didn't rely on a battery like the other test pattern generator.



Anyway, yet another monitor up and running. This one looks alright, has some burn, but no big deal.


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