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So I figured out how to make my 5200 not emit sparks when I plug it in. The trick is the "standby/normal" switch on the Switchbox. Flip it to "standby" when you are plugging wires into it and back to "normal" to begin play. I'd like to program a 5200 but I have no idea how to. I know some assembly from other projects with other consoles.

But back to Game Boy. I tried a ton of times to get the "correct" yellow shade for an old sheet of paper.


I think I'll stick with this because I am tired of experimenting.

I doubt I'll get anywhere with the 5200 programming since there seems to be hardly anyone who wants to make 5200 games. I saw my small stack of 5200 games and thought "I wonder if my 5200 still works." So I went out to the garage and found it. Came back in and plugged all the stuff in and success! It still works! I have way too much gaming consoles and games. It's dark and cold at 3 a.m. I've found myself lately waking up at about midnight and going to sleep at around 8 a.m. And for those who think sleeping 16 hours a night isn't very good, I've lost 5 pounds. The new diet: Sleep your unwanted pounds away. Because you're not eating. Or it may be due to the massive poops I took when I got up. Either way. Perhaps when Spring comes I'll reorganize and sell some unwanted stuff I don't need or want any more. I have an old NES just sitting here. It sat here because I got the newer model NES which is way better. I may sell my Dreamcast and games. I don't know. Do I really need a Sega Saturn? Questions...


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