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About this blog

A place for darkchylde28 to collect, and share, his thoughts on life, the universe, and everything in between.

Entries in this blog

The First (SECOND!) Wolfenstein Was The Best Wolfenstein

Many years ago, I stumbled upon a couple of overly large files in the file area of one of my local BBSes.  Dialing in at a blazing fast 2400 baud, I was left scratching my head as to what on Earth anyone could be wanting to download that would take up two whole (low density) 3.5" floppies!  The next time I went over to a friend's house for an after school, I discovered the answer:  Wolfenstein 3D.  The game simply blew our minds.  3D?!  What?!  Shooting Nazis?!  Yes please!  Digitized audio?!  W


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