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Songbird Symphony

Songbird Symphony PQube Joysteak Studios July 25, 2019 Quite regularly, after having played through a big meaty game, I like to jump to something more bite-sized rather than move onto the next big thing. It allows me the chance to dive into smaller experiences that would otherwise be overlooked while I knock out the big hitters in my backlog and I like having a break before tackling the next dozen-plus experience. Following my playthrough of FInal Fantasy VII Remake, Songbird Symphony



What Remains of Edith Finch

What Remains of Edith Finch Annapurna Interactive Giant Sparrow April 25, 2017 What secrets does my family hold? What kind of legacy will I leave behind once I have passed on? How much do I really know about my heritage? All these questions arose as I played through Giant Sparrow’s remarkable What Remains of Edith Finch. As is the case with a number of other so-called ‘walking simulators’, the story leaves you with plenty of food for thought long after you have put down the controller



Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake Square Enix Square Enix April 10, 2020 It has been a long and difficult wait for this. Ever since gamers were given a glimpse at a modern remake of the PlayStation 1 classic in 2005, rpg fans everywhere had hoped and dreamed that we would one day have the opportunity to control Cloud and company once again with all the flair and beauty of a modern big-budget video game. For some it seemed like it was inevitable, for others such as myself, we never thought it w



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